Sunday, September 04, 2005

Helmet Conundrum...sigh....

Indians have been notoriously lax in following safety measures, whatever be the situation. Only in recent times after a lot of propaganda and media exposure, have the Indians slowly understood that prevention is better than curer and safety procedures are a means to avoid hefty hospital bills...

Well in this scenario the attitude of puneikars on the proposed move by the State Govt is bizarre to say the least. Check this link .

While a section of the populace is questioning the legality of the move to make helmets compulsory on the grounds that it infringes on their personal freedom....

Come might as well make euthanasia legal (in fact that is not a bad idea...but thats later in another post...).Wonder how the same person would feel if
he was involved in an accident? I'm a rider and I know the importance of wearing helmets. I have been involved in two spills and in the second one I owe my life to the Studds Ninja helmet I was wearing.

What's even worse is the reaction of legislators or to not give those dumb people such a professional word I did rather call them the MLAs.
....asked the state government to urge the Centre to bring an Act exempting the two-wheeler riders from using helmet.

Of all the crappiest comments politicians could think of this should be the worst. I wonder who else in Pune is going to wear helmets ? Car drivers ?? Lorry drivers ?? Sheesh.....

Helmets are compulsory in certain states, though I do not all the states, I do know that Kerala is one of those. Immediately after the order stating that helmets are compulsory in Kerala numerous road side shops sprung up selling helmets for as low as 150/-....sigh....and boy these helmets are so flimsy that all you have to do is to tap it gently on the tank for it(helmet) to get a dent....sigh....

Sometimes democracy stinks......

1 comment:

arZan said...

On the topic of helmets...check this blogpost of mine.

It cant get any worse !!