Saturday, July 02, 2005

An Accident

Guess this was overdue for a long time now....Although its my first real accident....unsurprisingly I have no sense of acheivement, meaning I guess I should not be repeating this milestone :).

I have played down the accident quite bit to myself and others too. But I know that I was very lucky. Very lucky to have worn my helmet, very lukcy to have gone at a sedate pace(60-70), very lucky to have noted beforehand that the guy in front was trying to stop, very lucky to have noticed the dumbass cop running into the middle of the road from nowhere.... Yes I have very lucky !!

I distinctly remember feeling dizzy after banging my head with the helmet on the road and my sight all going fuzzy...i could only see outlines of people and that too a very poor outline... i was scared that i was loosing my sight.. but thankful.. i was just dazed.. If I had not worn my helmet, I really wonder whether I would have been alive or not !!

But whatever Iam just glad to be ok at the moment... My elbow is still recovering from the laceration whis are a bit deep and its healing.. i banged my chest on a post too and thats paining too...:) !! And most of all I was lucky that Solo, Jai and Arul where there to help me out.. Especially Solo... have a lot to thank him for...

Dont want to repeat this incident, although I can say that Iam not exactly responsible for the accident...But what I do know was that I was not concentrating enough while riding....

Cant even think of what would have been the case if there was pillion with me. Hmm..well maybe I wouldnt have had an accident. For one thing i wouldnt have been going even at that sedate pace, it would have been slower and I wouldnt have let my mind wander either :) !!

Lessons learnt : always wear a helmet and dont day dream when doing a group ride !!!!

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